

[第2回] 四則演算・累乗・累乗根などの読み方

数字・数式の英語の読み方 – 演算(operation)/数式(expression/formula)

注: 同義語は/の後に、言い替え用語は[ ]内に記載。アクセント部分を下線で強調。

No 式・表記 日本語 英語 読み方
1   算数 arithmetic <-
2   演算 operation <-
3   数学 mathematics <-
4   代数 algebra <-
5   三角法 trigonometry <-
6   幾何学 geometry <-
7   四則, 加減乗除算 four operations /
four arithmetic operations
8 (+) 加算, 加法 addition <-
9 (-) 減算, 減法 subtraction <-
10 (×), (∙), (*) 乗算, 乗法 multiplication <-
11 (÷), (/) 除算, 除法 division <-
12 = 等式/等しい equality <-
13 不等式/
inequality <-
14 < 不等式/
strict inequality <-
15 > 不等式/
strict inequality <-
16 [a = b] 等しい equal a is equal to b /
a equals b
17 [ab] 等しくない is not equal a is not equal to b
18 [a < b] より小さい less than a is less than b
19 [ab]   less than or equal to a is less than or equal to b
20 [a > b] より大きい greater a is greater than b
21 [ab]   greater than or equal to a is greater than or equal to b
22 [a ± b] 加法と減法 plus or minus a plus or minus b
23 [a + b] = c 足す plus a plus b equals c
24 [a - b] = c 引く minus a minus b equals c
25 [a×b] = c
[a ∙ b] = c
掛ける times /
multiplied by
a times b equals c /
a multiplied by b equals c
26 [a ÷ b] = c
[a/b] = c
割る divided by /
a divided by b equals c /
a over b equals c
27 [a:b] 比率 ratio the ratio of a to b
28 n! 階乗 factorial n factorial /
factorial of n
29 a^b
累乗, (aの)b (raised) to the power of the bth power of a /
a raised to the bth power /
a (raised) to the b
30 a2 (aの)二乗 square the square of a /
a squared
31 a3 (aの)三乗 cube the cube of a/
a cubed
32 a5 (aの)5乗 fifth power the fifth power of a /
a raised to the fifth power /
a to the power of 5 /
a to the fifth /
a to the five
33 a-n (aの)マイナスn minus nth power a to (the) minus nth power /
a to (the) minus(/negative) n
34 a12 (aの)二分の一乗 half power a to (the) half power /
the square root of a
35 a13 (aの)三分の一乗 cube root the cube root of a
36 a15 (aの)五分の一乗 fifth root the fifth root of a
37 a-1n (aの)マイナスn分の一乗 minus nth root the minus nth root of a
38 a (aの)平方根 square root the square root of a
39 √(a+b) (a+bの)平方根 square root the square root of the sum of a plus b
40 3a (aの)立方根 cube root the cube root of a
41 na 累乗根, 冪根, ルート, (aの)n乗根 nth root the nth root of a